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Gigi Dalessio Scusami Testo

Scusami: Gigi D'Alessio's Heartfelt Apology

A Tale of Regret and Redemption

As the dawn breaks and the city awakens, so too do our regrets and misunderstandings. Gigi D'Alessio's poignant song, "Scusami," captures the emotional turmoil of a love gone wrong.

A Cry for Forgiveness

The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a broken heart yearning for reconciliation. "Sta scoppiando l'alba e la città sta svegliando pure noi e le nostre incomprensioni" (As the dawn breaks and the city awakens, so too do our misunderstandings) sets the tone for a heartfelt apology.

D'Alessio laments the pain he has caused his lover, begging for a chance to make things right: "Mi regali un altro giorno, un'altra occasione per poterti dire che ti amo più di ieri" (Give me another day, another chance to tell you that I love you more than yesterday).

The Power of Redemption

Despite the regrets of the past, "Scusami" offers a glimmer of hope for redemption. D'Alessio acknowledges his mistakes and seeks forgiveness, recognizing the transformative power of love.

As the song progresses, the desire for reconciliation grows stronger: "Vorrei diventasse questa sera una giornata serena" (I wish this evening would become a peaceful day). In this heartfelt plea, D'Alessio expresses his longing for a brighter future, free from the shadows of the past.
